VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis was well enough on Sunday to celebrate his weekly Angelus prayer from the Vatican window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, a day after cancelling his engagements because of a mild flu. A brief announcement on Saturday from the Vatican press office said the 87-years-old pontiff was forced to scrap a planned audience with the Roman …
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Supporters of Brazil’s Bolsonaro stage huge demonstration to defend him amid investigations
SAO PAULO (AP) — Supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro staged a huge rally jamming a main avenue in Brazil’s biggest city Sunday to defend him against legal challenges that could put him in jail. The far-right leader said in a speech that he seeks “pacification to erase the past,” taking a more conciliatory tone than when he was in …
Read More »Foca ciega da a luz y cuida a su cachorro en zoológico de Illinois
BROOKFIELD, Illinois, EE.UU. (AP) — Una foca gris que fue encontrada varada y ciega hace más de una década en una isla de Maine ha dado a luz en un zoológico del área metropolitana de Chicago y ahora es “una madre muy atenta” con su recién nacido, dijeron el viernes funcionarios del zoológico. La foca de 11 años llamada Georgie …
Read More »Assault claims roil Iditarod sled dog race as 2 top mushers are disqualified, then 1 reinstated
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Claims of violence against women are roiling the world’s most famous sled dog race — Alaska’s Iditarod — with officials disqualifying two top mushers this week and then quickly reinstating one of them on Friday, days before the start. The upheaval began last week, when the Iditarod Trail Committee, the race’s governing body, sent an email …
Read More »Funcionarios israelíes se reunirán con delegados de negociaciones sobre guerra en Gaza
DEIR AL-BALAH, Franja de Gaza (AP) — Miembros de alto rango del gabinete israelí tenían previsto reunirse el sábado con una delegación que regresó de las conversaciones en París con negociadores de Estados Unidos, Egipto y Qatar en busca de un acuerdo para detener los combates en Gaza, dijo un funcionario israelí. El funcionario, que habló bajo condición de anonimato …
Read More »1 dead, 3 injured following a fire at a Massachusetts house
MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — One person was killed and three others were injured early Saturday in a Massachusetts house fire, officials said. Fire and police were called to a house fire in the town of Middlesborough around 2 a.m. with people trapped inside. With fire coming from the first and second floors, firefighters were unable to get inside the home. …
Read More »An Australian tourist has gone missing in Zimbabwe’s famous Victoria Falls park, officials say
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — An Australian tourist has gone missing in Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls National Park, home to one of the world’s natural wonders, the country’s parks spokesman said. Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority spokesman Tinashe Farawo told The Associated Press that the tourist went missing in the vast rainforest on Friday. “We have a fully-fledged team that …
Read More »Mueren 23 personas en India tras siniestro de carro en el que viajaban
LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Al menos 23 personas, incluyendo ocho niños, fallecieron el sábado luego de que un tractor agrícola que tiraba de un carro cargado con fieles hindúes volcó y cayó a un estanque en el norte de India, informaron las autoridades. En la carreta viajaban alrededor de 40 fieles que se dirigían a darse un baño ritual en …
Read More »Why South Africa is facing a turning point in May’s national election and who the major players are
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — Polls suggest South Africa will face a historic turning point in a national election in May as the ruling African National Congress could lose its majority for the first time since coming to power in the country’s first all-race vote at the end of apartheid in 1994. The ANC has governed Africa’s most advanced …
Read More »Muere el búho Flaco un año después convertirse en celebridad tras escapar de zoo de Nueva York
NUEVA YORK (AP) — Flaco, el búho búho real euroasiático que se escapó del zoo de Central Park, en Nueva York, y se convirtió en una de las celebridades más queridas de la ciudad mientras volaba por Manhattan, ha muerto, anunciaron el viernes los responsables del zoo. Poco más de un año después de que fuera liberado de su jaula …
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