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Ucrania dice que sus drones hundieron un buque ruso en el mar Negro

KIEV (AP) — Ucrania aseguró el jueves que utilizó drones marítimos para hundir una corbeta rusa en el mar Negro, mientras que investigadores rusos dijeron que la caída de un avión militar de transporte el mes pasado fue provocada por misiles Patriot de fabricación estadounidense lanzados por las fuerzas ucranianas. La agencia de inteligencia naval de Ucrania, conocida por su …

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The Chiefs’ Super Bowl brain trust involves former head coaches on each side of the ball

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Patrick Mahomes remembers what Matt Nagy was like when he first arrived in Kansas City in 2017, just a fresh-faced rookie quarterback whose stardom was still very much in the future. Nagy was the Chiefs’ offensive coordinator at the time, and they spent countless hours together in meetings, practices and even on planes traveling to …

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NCAA spent years fighting losing battles and left itself helpless to defend legal challenges

Years of fighting losing battles have left the NCAA almost helpless to defend itself. The legal pile-on against the largest governing body for college sports in the United States continued Wednesday when attorneys general from Tennessee and Virginia filed an antitrust lawsuit that seeks to throw out the few rules the NCAA has to regulate how athletes can be compensated …

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